Figure 2.
RPA of PC2 mRNA in the pancreas of STZ- and vehicle-treated rats. Forty micrograms total RNA from pancreata of animals treated with STZ (50 mg/kg intraperitoneally daily for 5 days) or vehicle was hybridized with probes for PC2 and β-actin. The probe and protected sizes for PC2 were 375 and 360 bp, respectively. The probe was seen in protection assays without RNA and RNase but was absent when tissue mRNA and RNase was added. The protected band of PC2 was absent when yeast tRNA (10 μg) was used instead of tissue RNA. (a) Representative RPA. (b) Densitometric measurement of pancreatic PC2 mRNA levels normalized by β-actin from STZ-treated rats and expressed as percentage (mean ± SEM) of vehicle-treated animals (4–6 animals per group). AP < 0.05.