Figure 7.
Effects of cPLA2 and its products. (a and b) Tracings from single experiments. Alveolar or capillary routes of TNF-α infusion are indicated. Replicated 4 times each. (c) Group data for indicated inhibitors given in 10-minute alveolar infusions before alveolar infusion of TNF-α; n = 4 for each. AP < 0.05 vs. baseline (open bar). BP < 0.05 vs. TNF-α (solid bar). COCF3, AACOCF3; indo, indomethacin; MK, MK886; WEB, WEB 2170BS. (d) Alveoli were permeabilized by 10-minute saponin infusions. Then arachidonate was infused into permeabilized (closed circles) and control (open circle) alveoli. Each point is the mean ± SEM of 4 experiments. Line was drawn by linear regression (P < 0.001).