Vitamin C sufficient Gulo−/− mice demonstrate reduced lung NETs and lower cf-DNA following peritonitis-induced sepsis. Representative immunofluorescence and differential interference contrast imaging of lung NETs (A–E): (A) VitC sufficient Gulo−/− mice (+) received saline alone (0.4 mL, i.p.); (B) FIP exposed VitC sufficient Gulo−/− mice [FIP(+)] received fecal stem solution (45 mg/mL, i.p.) followed 30 min later by saline (0.1 mL, i.p.); (C) VitC deficient Gulo−/− mice (−) received saline alone (0.4 mL, i.p.); (D) FIP exposed VitC deficient Gulo−/− mice [FIP(−)] mice received fecal stem solution (45 mg/mL, i.p.) followed 30 min later by saline (0.1 mL, i.p.). (E) AscA treated FIP exposed VitC deficient Gulo−/− mice [FIP(−) + AscA] mice received fecal stem solution (45 mg/mL, i.p.) followed 30 min later by AscA (200 mg/kg, i.p.). Platelet CD-41 (green), histones (red), and myeloperoxidase (grey) are seen in the merged images. Arrowheads indicate NET formation shown by co-staining for platelet CD-41 (green), histones (red), myeloperoxidase (grey), and DAPI (blue) in the vascular and alveolar spaces. Arrows indicate extensive extra-nuclear histones (red); (10× magnification, N = 3 for each group). (F) Serum levels of cf-DNA were quantified using the Quant-iTPicoGreen dsDNA assay kit (N = 5–11 for each group, p < 0.05).