Table 1.
Current Software Tools for Development of Large Scale Targeted Proteomic Assays
Software | Vendor/Lab | Publication Date | Platform |
1. Assay Development | |||
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Databases and Spectral Libraries
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PeptideAtlas | Institute for Systems Biology (ISB) | 2006 | Web |
SRMAtlas | ISB | 2009 | Web |
PRIDE | Martens, EMBL/EBI | 2006 | Web |
GPMdb | Gpmdb | 2004 | Windows |
NIST Peptide Mass Spectral Libraries | NIST | 2009 | Web |
PABST | Seattle Proteome center | 2006 | Web |
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Peptide and Transition Selection and Method Export
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Skyline | MacCoss Lab, U Washington | 2010 | Windows |
MRMPilot | ABSciex | Commercial | Windows |
Pinpoint | Thermo Scientific | Commercial | Windows |
MRMaid | Bessant, Cranfield U. | 2009 | Web |
ATAQS | Aebersold, ISB | 2011 | Web |
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2. MRM Data Collection
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iRT calculator | Biognosys | 2012 | Web |
scheduled MRM (sMRM) | AB Sciex, Waters, Thermo Scientific, and Agilent | Commercial | Windows |
iSRM (intelligent MRM) | Thermo Scientific | Commercial | Windows |
xMRM (triggered MRM) | AB Sciex | Commercial | Windows |
tMRM (triggered MRM) | Agilent | N/A | Windows |
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3. Data Analysis
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Peak Detection and Integration
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Multiquant | AB Sciex | Commercial | Windows |
Skyline | MacCoss Lab, U Washington | 2010 | Windows |
MRMer | McIntosh Lab, ISB | 2008 | Java |
Pinpoint | Thermo Scientific | Commercial | Windows |
OpenMS | Kohlbacher & Reinert, FU Berlin & U of Tübingen | 2008 | Windows, Linux, Mac (C++ library) |
ATAQS | Seattle Proteome Center, ISB | 2011 | Web |
TIQAM | Seattle Proteome Center, ISB | 2008 | Java (Mac, Win, Linux) |
mQUEST | Biognosys | 2011 | Linux on a VM; Windows |
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Quaility Assessment and Data Filtering
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mProphet | Biognosys | 2011 | Linux on a VM; Windows |
Audit | Carr, Broad | 2010 | Web |
Multiquant | AB Sciex | Commercial | Windows |
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Fold change or statistical analysis
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SRMstats | Vitek Lab, Purdue | 2012 | Windows, Linux, Mac (R libraries) |
QuaSAR | Carr, Broad | N/A | Web |