Fig. 3.
Postablation confocal mosaic of discarded Mohs tissue, following five passes with fluence of , showing (a) residual BCC tumor, (b) magnified view of the inset in (a), showing the residual tumor to be of nodular type, and (c) further magnified view of the inset in (b), clearly showing nuclear morphologic detail in the nodule. The corresponding en face histology (d) of the postablated tissue confirms the presence and location of tumor. Shown in (e) is a magnified view of inset region in (d), displaying clearly the tumor details including nuclear morphology. Shown in (f) is a magnified view of the inset region in (e), displaying more clearly the nuclear morphology, which confirms that (c) observed in the confocal image. This shows that nuclear morphology can be detected in confocal images after aggressively ablating deeper than 120 μm into tissue.