Figure 2. CnaBE3 domain sequence is highly conserved among phylogenetically distinct strains.
A) The depicted phylogenetic tree was obtained using the Sequence Types (ST) of a panel of 59 epidemiologically relevant S. aureus strains. Clonal complexes 1, 5, 8 and 30 are highlighted. The eleven bacterial strains selected for conservation analysis are in bold. B) The percentages of amino acid sequence identity obtained from the comparison of Sdr proteins and the CnaBC2, D5 and E3 domain amino acid sequences of Newman strain to those of an epidemiologically relevant panel of S. aureus strains are reported. Dark gray color means that proteins are absent, whereas white color means present and conserved with an identity percentage ≥ 90, and light gray color means present but variable with an identity percentage ≥ 75 and ≤ 89, on at least 75% of the amino acid sequence.