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. 2013 Sep 17;8(9):e75648. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0075648

Table 1. Host proteins that were detected in the HCV 3’ X complex identified by 2D/MASS.

SwissProtaccession# ProteinName Mass(kDa) pIa Percentpeptidecoverage Zbscore Knownfunctionand/orpossibleroleinHCVreplicationc
P08758 Annexin 5 35.96 4.9 27 1.33 Anti-apoptosis, signal transduction (?)
A8K1K1 Carnosine dipeptidase 1 56.79 5.1 15 2.43 Proteolysis (?)
P11498 Pyruvate carboxylase 130.37 6.4 51 2.4 Gluconeogenesis, lipid biosynthesis (?)
Q969R2 KIAA1664 (ORP4) 100.75 6.1 9 2.43 Lipid metabolism, vesicle transport, signaling (?)
Q9UHL0 DEAD/H box polypeptide 25 55.06 5.9 7 1.82 RNA helicase (?)
Q8WVW5 Actin gamma 40.83 5.8 40 2.43 Cell motility (?)
Q01581 HMG-CoA synthase 57.85 5.2 21 2.43 Cholesterol and isoprenoid syntheses, lipid metabolism (25)
P22735 Transglutaminase 1 90.12 5.7 10 2.43 Protein modification, cell envelope biogenesis (?)
Q14532 Keratin 51.78 4.8 17 2.43 Epidermis development (?)
Q9NZD9 Tumor necrosis factor receptor 14.72 5.7 45 0.75 Apoptosis, signal transduction (?)
Q9HC85 Metastasis-related protein 10.40 5.4 59 1.27 Unknown (?)

a) pI is the isoelectric point of each protein.

b) The Z score calculated by ProFound® search engine and is an indicator of the search result quality. It is estimated when the search result is compared against an estimated random match population and is the distance to the population mean in units of standard deviation.

c) Known functions of each protein are derived from the literature and used to indicate their possible roles in HIV replication, which are marked as in the table.