Figure 1.
Chronic alcohol ingestion impairs AM maturation and exposure to CDPM increases oxidative stress and suppresses pulmonary AM numbers. Animals were administered control/alcohol diet and exposed to air/DCB-230 as described in text. (A) Total isolated AMs (CD11c+ F4/80+) per lung as determined from the percentage of AMs multiplied by total live isolated cells. (B) Reduced:Oxidized glutathione ratio in the BAL fluid. (C) Mean fluorescent intensity (MFI) values for CD11c and (D) median fluorescent intensity for CD11b on gated AM populations. (E) Percentage of CD11bhi AMs (F4/80+ CD11c+). Significance (p<0.05, Two-way ANOVA, Bonferroni post-tests) indicated above sample column by the letters of the reference control group of the comparison. Control+Air (ca), Alcohol+Air (aa), Control+DCB-230 (cd), Alcohol+DCB-230 (ad).