Figure 5. Total expression of mLTD linked proteins is unchanged following ELS at P60.
No alterations in the total expression of FMRP (A) (ELS: 92.05 ± 7.95%, n = 13, control: 100± 7.95%, n = 12, P = NS, Student’s t-tests), FMRP-P (B) (ELS: 95.27 ± 12.64%, n = 11, control: 100± 20.81%, n = 8, P = NS, Student’s t-tests), the core, catalytic subunit of PP2A (PP2AC) (C) (ELS: 76.26 ± 6.32%, n = 12, control: 100 ± 19.13%, n = 9, P = NS, Student’s t-tests), STEP (D) (ELS: 105.11 ± 20.00%, n = 9, control: 100 ± 21.06%, n = 10, P = NS, Student’s t-tests) or mGluR5 (E) (ELS: 141.12 ± 23.36%, n = 12, control: 100 ± 18.88%, n = 12, P = NS, Student’s t-tests), were observed. Semi-quantitative western-blot technique(Cornejo et al., 2007) was used to determine immunoreactivity/mg loaded protein, which were normalized to controls (see Methods). Typical blots with equivalent protein loading shown. Solid bars ELS, open bars control.