Assessment of mTBI mice by elevated plus maze demonstrated a significant measure of anxiety at 30 days: a, c At 7 days following injury, no statistically significant differences were evident between mTBI and sham control cohorts of mice. b, d mTBI induced a significant reduction in time spent within the open arm in study (d) at 30 days following injury, which was ameliorated by post-trauma Ex-4 administration. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed a group effect. mTBI animals in this group demonstrated a higher anxiety-like behavior compared to sham control mice and Ex-4 + mTBI animals [F(3,45) = 3.421, p = 0.024 Fisher’s LSD post hoc, *p < 0.05]. No statistical significance was evident across groups at 30 days post-trauma in study (c). Values are mean ± SEM