1×106 BMDMs were primed with LPS (100 ng/ml) for 2 hours. BMDMs were treated with recombinant LLO (8 µg/ml for hemolysis and LDH or 500 ng/ml for IL-1β) or infected with the L. monocytogenes WT, Δhly, or L.p.FlaA strains MOI 10 for 6 hours after gentamicin (50 µg/ml) medium replacement at 30 minutes. (A) Hemolysis, (B) LDH, and (C) IL-1β were measured for recombinant LLO. (D and F) IL-1β secretion by WT (n = 4), Nlrp3−
/− (n = 4) and Nlrc4
−/− macrophages (n = 4) was analyzed by ELISA. (E and G) Stimulation was repeated, as previously stated, without priming and IL-6 secretion by WT (n = 4), Nlrp3−
/− (n = 4) and Nlrc4
−/− macrophages (n = 4) was determined. Student's t test; (*) P<0.05, WT compared to either unprimed or knockout. NS – not significant. Experiments were repeated at least twice.