Figure 2. Hyperspectral imaging of three anuran species.
(A) Hyperspectral imaging setup to acquire spectra and monochromatic images of a frog (2) and a reflectance standard (1) for wavelengths in the VIS, NIR and SWIR range of the spectrum. Images were acquired using two hyperspectral cameras (3 and 4) whereby the images were taken in a two pass setup. The complete setup is mounted on a solid aluminium stand (7). The first camera (3) allows to acquire a stack of hyper spectral images in the VIS and NIR (400 to 1000 nm). The second camera (4) acquires a stack of hyperspectral images in the SWIR (1000 to 2500 nm). Each camera can be driven by a stepping motor (6) along the axis of the metal bar seprateley during image acquisition in push-broom mode. Cameras and the moving stage were connected to a desktop computer (5), both controlling image acquisition and the moving-stage. Frogs (2) are imaged while sitting directly beside a 50% reflection standard (1). Illumination is provided using a halogen lamp (10) which ensured a sufficient amount light both in VIS, NIR and SWIR (8). (B) Exemplary area of interest used to calculate the reflectance spectra of Agalychnis callidryas. (C) Photo of the two hyperspectral cameras mounted on the moving stage.