Figure S2.
Membrane Targeting of LAT-1::GFP Receptor Variants Is Not Impaired, Related to Figures 2 and 4.
(A–D) Confocal images show comparable sections of the terminal bulb of the adult pharynx; anterior to the left. LAT-1::GFP variants colocalize with the membrane marker FM4-64. Inset shows higher magnification of the boxed cell. Dotted arrow indicates direction and length of plot axis in A’-D’.
(A’–D’) Sectional line plots of signal intensity profiles of both channels underscores co-localization of LAT-1::GFP fusion proteins and FM4-64 intensity peaks at the membrane (M) and low signal intensities in the cytoplasm (C).
(E) A signal generated by a soluble GFP does not overlap with the membrane marker FM4-64. Inset: higher magnification of the boxed cell. Dotted arrow indicates direction and length of plot axis in E’’.
(E’) Sectional line plot of the signal intensity profile of both channels shows segregated intensity peaks for FM4-64 at the plasma membrane (M) and of lat-1p::GFP in the cytosol (C) indicating that both labels do not colocalize. Scale bars = 5 μm.