Figure 6. NRAS-MAPK activity differentially regulates apoptosis and proliferation.
(a)A model of oncogenic NRAS signaling as a gradient with gated phenotypic outputs. As NRAS-MAPK activity is inhibited, apoptosis and cell cycle arrest are triggered at different levels of activity. Complete RAS extinction (purple) or combined MEK (blue) and CDK4 (red) inhibition complementarily trigger both phenotypes, fulfilling the dual input into the AND gate required for efficient tumor regression. (b)Comparison of average values of the NRAS-MAPK gene-set for MEKi versus doxycycline withdrawal time points. P-values are indicated above each bar. (c) Unsupervised hierarchical clustering of RPPA data from iNRAS-413 tumors treated with vehicle, MEKi, or 2 or 4 days of doxycycline withdrawal.