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. 2013 Mar 16;2:366–376. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2013.03.004

Table 4.

Activated brain regions associated with the high monetary reward (HMR) and low monetary reward (LMR) conditions in healthy controls.

Brain region Healthy control
Side BA MNI coordinate
Z value
Size p Value x y z
HMR minus NMR
Insula 11,477 < 0.001 L − 30 18 − 2 6.44
R 32 22 0 6.89
Caudate L − 10 6 0 5.64
R 12 8 4 5.18
Putamen L − 22 10 12 4.25
R 20 10 8 3.97
Nucleus accumbens L − 12 2 − 2 6.08
R 14 8 − 2 5.71
Thalamus L − 8 − 20 12 4.07
R 6 − 16 14 5.29
Cerebellum L − 8 − 76 − 28 4.47
R 6 − 78 − 22 3.92
Postcentral gyrus 3015 < 0.001 R 40 52 − 36 52 3.24
Inferior parietal lobule R 40 40 − 52 38 6.28
Superior parietal lobule R 7 38 − 64 54 5.32
Precuneus L 7 − 6 − 68 44 3.56
R 7 8 − 66 44 5.65
Middle frontal gyrus 2152 < 0.001 R 10 38 56 12 3.24
R 46 50 32 30 4.24
R 9 46 16 40 3.73
R 6 40 6 56 4.39
Inferior frontal gyrus R 9 46 8 26 4.54
Medial frontal gyrus 1641 0.001 R 9 6 34 36 5.43
Cingulate gyrus L 32 − 8 16 48 5.11
R 32 6 22 44 4.86

LMR minus NMR
Inferior frontal gyrus 8493 < 0.001 L 47 − 30 20 − 2 4.61
R 47 32 20 − 2 5.56
Insula L − 30 18 − 4 5.15
R 30 22 2 5.45
Caudate L − 10 6 0 3.94
R 14 10 6 4.54
Putamen L − 20 4 16 3.98
R 16 12 0 4.67
Nucleus accumbens L − 10 6 − 2 4.21
R 12 4 − 4 3.90
Thalamus L − 12 − 12 8 4.24
R 12 − 10 10 4.73
Cerebellum 5259 < 0.001 L − 8 − 74 − 26 4.67
R 4 − 76 − 26 4.35
Medial frontal gyrus 1257 0.004 L 9 − 8 28 34 3.18
R 9 6 34 36 4.74
Cingulate gyrus L 32 − 10 16 48 4.30
R 32 6 22 44 4.26
Middle frontal gyrus 1014 0.013 R 46 46 36 22 3.60
R 9 50 28 36 3.81
R 6 40 8 54 3.43

NMR, no monetary reward; L, left; R, right; BA, Brodmann's area; MNI, Montréal Neurological Institute. The extent threshold was set at p = 0.05 with a correction for multiple comparisons at the cluster level for the entire brain. The height threshold was set at p = 0.005 (uncorrected) at the voxel level.