Figure 3. Neutralizing antibody titers in mice immunized with vaccine candidates.
Groups of BALB/c mice (n = 5) were immunized subcutaneously with 10 µg D2ED III or LD2ED III two times at a two-week interval. Live dengue-2 virus (1×107 FFU) was injected intraperitoneally on the same schedule. Sera were collected from mice at the indicated time points after the first immunization. The dengue-2 virus neutralizing capacity was determined by FRNT. The neutralizing antibody titer was calculated as the reciprocal of the highest dilution that resulted in a 50% reduction in FFU compared to control samples containing the virus alone. One of two representative experiments is shown. Statistical significance was determined by the ANOVA Bonferroni post test. * p<0.05; ** p<0.01; *** p<0.001.