(a)-(h) plot the motility of the 8 human GBM cell lines, assayed by the colorimetric in vitro assay. Four cell lines, U251, U87, LN229, and D54, exhibit enhanced motility in 5% oxygen as compared to normoxia. FCS− and FCS+ indicate the absence and presence of fetal calf serum in the lower chamber, respectively. FCS serves as a chemoattractant that gives a direction of movement. The absence of fetal calf serum in the lower chamber serves a negative control. * in (e), (f), and (h) indicate a two-sample two-tailed ttest p<0.05 as compared to 5% oxygen in the presence of FCS. The two-sample two-tailed ttest p-value for (g) is 0.06. D54, U87, LN229, and U87 were also evaluated by a second in vitro motility assay in 5% or 21% ambient oxygen in the presence of Dasatinib or vehicle (i)-(l). Cells were cultured in the presence of Dasatinib at 100 nM or vehicle (DMSO). * in (i)-(l) indicate a two-sample two-tailed ttest p<0.05 as compared to 5% DMSO.