Eugenol and carvacrol enhancement of innocuous warmth evoked by Peltier thermode set at 44°C. A. Eugenol. Upper row shows schematic of experiment. Eugenol and vehicle were applied, followed immediately by bilateral thermal stimulation of the tongue, after which 2-AFC and intensity ratings were obtained. Ratings were obtained again 1.5, 5 and 10 min later. Bar graph plots 2-AFC. *: p< 0.05, binomial test (n=30). Lines with symbols: warmth intensity ratings for eugenol- (□) and vehicle-treated (●) sides of tongue. &: F(3, 174) = 3.89, p<0.05, 2-way repeated measures ANOVA. B. Carvacrol (same format as A; n=30). &: F(3, 174) = 2.69, p<0.05, 2-way repeated measures ANOVA.