Figure 6. Superoxide levels in LZR and OZR with or without apocynin treatment.
Confocal images obtained using a laser scanning confocal microscopy from DHE-treated aortic segments (split longitudinally). Superoxide levels between control and apocynin-treated LZR and OZR were compared. OZR had increased fluorescence compared with LZR (*, p<0.05 vs. LZR control). Apocynin treatment significantly reduced the fluorescence in OZR (#, p<0.05 vs. OZR control) but failed to normalize the superoxide level ((*, p<0.05 vs. LZR apocynin-treated; n=7 for LZR, n=5 for OZR, n=6 for both LZR and OZR with apocynin).)