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. 2012 Oct;75(8):1433–1440. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2012.04.043
Interview notes
1. EU-ICH regulator, pre-clinical drug safety assessment. For discussion of contestations surrounding long-term rodent studies, see Abraham and Reed (2003).
2. US regulator/director, senior FDA adviser.
3. UK university toxicology professor, industry/regulatory consultant.
4. Senior UK regulator.
5. Scientific director, Danish pharmaceutical firm (an ILSI company).
6. Senior FDA representative; National Center for Toxicogenomics (NCT) representative, NIEHS.
7. Professor of pathology & ILSI-ACT committee member.
8. Executive vice-president, US pharmaceutical company & ILSI-ACT member.
9. NCT representative, NIEHS; Vice-president, US pharmaceutical firm (formerly senior FDA scientist); group leader, transgenic carcinogenesis, Laboratory of Molecular Toxicology, NIEHS & ILSI-ACT.
10. Vice-president, safety assessment, Swiss pharmaceutical company; group leader, transgenic carcinogenesis, Laboratory of Molecular Toxicology, NIEHS & ILSI-ACT; government scientist, Netherlands National Institute of Public Health and Environment (NIPHE); NCT representative, NIEHS.
11. NCT representative, NIEHS.
12. Vice-president, safety assessment, Swiss pharmaceutical company.
13. Vice-president, safety assessment, Swiss pharmaceutical company; EU-ICH regulator, pre-clinical drug safety assessment.
14. Toxicologist, vice-president, UK pharmaceutical company.
15. Member, UKCoC.
16. Vice-president, drug safety, US pharmaceutical company & ILSI-ACT; vice-president, safety assessment, Swiss pharmaceutical company; pathologist at US pharmaceutical firm; government scientist, Netherlands NIPHE & ILSI-ACT.
17. FDA-ICH regulator.
18. Pathologist at US pharmaceutical firm.
19. Consultant toxicologist, UK contract research company involved in ILSI-ACT.
20. US regulator; Vice-president, safety assessment, US pharmaceutical company.
21. Distinguished industry toxicologist.
22. Chief Scientist, Laboratory of Experimental Pathology, NIEHS.
23. Senior researcher, carcinogenesis, UK chemical company; vice-president, drug safety, US pharmaceutical firm & ILSI-ACT; toxicologist, UK pharmaceutical company.
24. Associate director, chemical carcinogenesis, NIEHS; government toxicologist/pathologist/geneticist, Netherlands NIPHE.
25. Genetic/cellular toxicologist, US pharmaceutical company & ILSI-ACT.
26. FDA-ICH regulator; vice-president, safety assessment, US pharmaceutical company.
27. Head of US science advisory committee.
28. Senior researcher, carcinogenesis, UK chemical company; vice-president, safety assessment, US pharmaceutical company; executive vice-president, pharmaceutical/safety sciences, US pharmaceutical firm & ILSI-ACT; vice-president, pre-clinical safety, US pharmaceutical company & ICH.
29. Vice-president, drug safety, US pharmaceutical company & ILSI-ACT.
30. Associate director, chemical carcinogenesis, NIEHS.
31. German regulator/genetic toxicologist involved with EMEA and ILSI.