Figure S4.
pr-Def1 Changes Subcellular Localization Independently of Crm1, Related to Figure 4
(A) In contrast to N-terminally tagged Def1 (Figure 4A, panel i), nuclear accumulation after UV irradiation is not observed when the Def1 tag is at the C terminus (panel f in A). This figure complements the data in Figure 4B.
(B) Leptomycin B (LMB) inhibition of Crm1-dependent nuclear export (in the hypersensitive crm1 strain MNY8 [Neville and Rosbash, 1999]) has no effect on the cytosolic sub-cellular localization of GFP-Def1 (upper panels), but results in nuclear accumulation of a control protein whose cytoplasmic localization depends on a classical NES (lower panels).