Imaging paraffin crystals grown on graphene-covered holey carbon grids. (a) Low magnification image of a diamond-shaped monolayer paraffin crystal grown over a 3 μm Quantifoil hole covered by graphene. (b) 1 e−/Å2 defocused diffraction pattern of part of the diamond crystal in (a) showing several orders of reflections from the paraffin lattice. (c) Power spectrum from image of a 178 × 178 nm crystal area much smaller than for the diffraction pattern taken with 3 e−/Å2 showing the (1,1) at 4.1 Å, (1,−1) at 4.1 Å, and (2,0) at 3.7 Å. Reciprocal lattice vectors are indicated with arrows. (d) Small area of power spectrum of image (20120503_19), recorded prior to image for (c) with exposure of 1 e−/Å2, displays a 3.0 Å (2,1) reflection. (e) 10 e−/Å2 focused electron diffraction pattern with labels on upper half showing graphene reflections (white arrows) and paraffin reflections (red arrows). (f) 10 e−/Å2 focused electron diffraction pattern after an accumulated dose of 45 e−/Å2 showing the paraffin reflections mostly faded, but the graphene reflections unchanged.