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. 2013 Jun 6;6(6):933–948. doi: 10.1111/eva.12077

Table 7.

Regression equations and coefficients of determination (R2) for regression of principle components scores and traits on seed source climate

Trait* R2 Regression equation
PC1 0.41 17.12 + 0.02 × TD − 0.02 × SHM + 0.47 × EMT
PC2 0.28 3.37 + 0.02 × TD − 0.007 × SHM − 0.02 × FFP
PC3 0.35 −2.07 − 0.004 × PAS + 0.004 × CMD
DRYWT 0.51 1138.87 − 13.51 × MWMT + 7.24 × TD + 0.05 × MAP − 0.16 × SHM −3.2 × bFFP − 1.91 × FFP − 0.2 × PAS + 7.9 × EMT
HEAD 0.33 147.07 − 5.34 × MAT + 2.6 × MCMT + 1.48 × TD + 0.53 × EMT + 0.03 × Eref
LFRATIO* 0.44 20.33 + 1.11 × MAT + 0.2 × AHM

See Table 1 for trait codes and descriptions; PC, principle component.

Climate variables are MAT, mean annual temperature; MWMT, mean warmest month temperature; MCMT, mean coldest month temperature; TD, temperature difference between MWMT and MCMT or continentality; MAP, mean annual precipitation; AHM, annual heat/moisture index (MAT+10)/(MAP/1000); SHM, summer heat/moisture index (MWMT+10)/(MSP/1000); FFP, frost-free period; bFFP, beginning of frost-free period; PAS, precipitation as snow; EMT, extreme minimum temperature over 30 years; Eref, Hargreaves reference evaporation; CMD, Hargreaves climatic moisture deficit.