(A) The effects of ebax-1 and daf-21 on AVM guidance in the sax-3(ky200) mutant background. Control (ctrl), the sax-3(ky200) mutant alone. EBAX-1 WT (+) and EBAX-1 ΔSWIM (+), overexpression of Pebax-1::EBAX-1 WT and Pebax-1::EBAX-1 ΔSWIM in the sax-3 mutants. Data represent means ± SEM. **p<0.01 and ***p<0.001 relative to indicated controls; one-way ANOVA.
(B) EBAX-1 overexpression has no effect in sax-3(ky123) null mutants.
(C) Model of the EBAX-1-mediated triage mechanism for SAX-3 quality control during axon guidance. The amount of non-native SAX-3 caused by translational errors, environmental stress or genetic mutations is restricted by collaborative efforts between EBAX-1 and DAF-21/Hsp90. On one hand, EBAX-1 recruits DAF-21/Hsp-90 to promote the folding and refolding of non-native SAX-3. On the other hand, EBAX-1 degrades irreparable proteins through its connection to the CRL complex.