A) Gel electrophoresis images illustrate RT-PCR detection of all Kv7 channel subtypes including Kv7.1, Kv7.2, Kv7.3, Kv7.4, and Kv7.5 channel mRNA messages in mucosa-free whole DSM tissue (N=4). At DSM single-cell level, unlike other Kv7 channel subtypes (Kv7.1, Kv7.2, Kv7.3, and Kv7.5), the Kv7.4 channel mRNA message was not detected. Guinea pig brain was used as a positive control. No product was observed in the negative controls (-RT) in which reverse transcriptase was not added to the reaction. B) qRT-PCR analysis shows relatively high expression of Kv7.1, Kv7.2, and Kv7.5 subtypes but low (barely detectible) levels of Kv7.4 channel mRNA in both DSM whole tissue (N=4) and DSM single cells (N=4). Data were normalized to GAPDH using the ΔCt method.