Fig 2. ASMase is required for alcohol induced mChol trafficking and mGSH depletion.
Confocal imaging of hepatocytes to detect colocalization of cholesterol (filipin) with mitochondria (cytochrome c) (A, B). Liver samples were processed for StARD1, Mln64 and caveolin-1 expression (C-E) and isolated mitochondria were analyzed for cholesterol (F) and GSH (G) levels. Results are the mean ± SD (6 mice per group). *p<0.01 vs. WT mice fed control diet, #p<0.01 vs. WT mice fed ethanol diet. StARD1 (H) and SREBP-2 (I) from HepG2 cells challenged with tunicamycin (Tm) with or without TUDCA. Results are the mean ± SD (n=4). *p<0.01 vs. control cells, #p<0.01 vs. cells incubated with Tm.