Irradiation increases Notch-1 expression in NCI-H1299 and NCI-H460 cells.
A, altered Notch-1 expression in NCI-H1299 cells in response to 2 Gy of radiation was analyzed by flow cytometry. The number of Notch-1-positive cells that had been irradiated (gray) was compared with those of cells that had not been irradiated (white). The relative sizes of Notch-1-positive populations of NCI-H1299 cells are indicated in the graph based on the flow cytometry data. *, p < 0.05 for nonirradiated cells versus irradiated cells. B, same experiments shown in A were performed using NCI-H460 cells. *, p < 0.05 for nonirradiated cells versus irradiated cells. C, altered Notch-1 expression in NCI-H1299 cells after receiving 2 Gy of radiation was also assessed by IF. Notch-1 and cell nuclei are shown as green and blue (DAPI) signals, respectively. D, same experiments shown in C were performed using NCI-H460 cells. E and F, same experiments shown in A were performed using two normal lung cell lines, WI-26 VA4 and MRC-5. G, effect of Notch-1 expression on the lung tissue from mice exposed to 20 Gy of radiation was assessed by IHC.