(A) Station locations for cruise T0206 on the R/V Thomas G. Thompson from May 12 to June 8, 2007. Stations from the eddy core are labeled with a black box and stations from the leading edge are labeled with a white box. Stations where ITS2 was sequenced, but ARISA analysis was not done because samples were collected with a different size cut-off filter are indicated by “*” symbol. (B) Temperature contours through the Haida eddy when first encountered (May 19–20, 2007). Station numbers corresponding to the labels in (A) are shown at the top of the contour plot. The arrow marks the shallow warm waters characteristic of Haida eddies. (C) Temperature contours through the Haida eddy on the return trip approximately 2 weeks later (June 3–4, 2007). The arrow marks the shallow warm waters characteristic of Haida eddies.