Table 4.
Status of Risks for Participants Two Months After Beginning to Use the Gabby System
Risks for Pilot Participants that Used the Gabby System (n=6) | ||
Risks identified per participant | 21.3 | 100% |
Risks discussed with Gabby per participant | 11 | 52% |
Risks added to MHTDL*per participant: | 7.2 | 64% |
Status of Risks Added to MHTDL at 2 Months† | ||
Risks Resolved | 3.5 | 54% |
Took action at 2 months | 2.2 | 29% |
No action to reduce risk | 1.5 | 17% |
Risks not added to MHTDL per participant‡ | 4 | 35% |
Disagreed that item was a risk | 2.5 | 74% |
Past/Resolved Risk | 0.8 | 13% |
Agreed it was a risk but did not want to address | 0.7 | 12% |
MHTDL stands for “My Health To-Do List”
This is information is self-reported by the participant on a telephone call 2 months after beginning to use the Gabby system. The participant agreed that all risks in this section were correctly identified at baseline. “Risks Resolved” are no longer a risk due to action taken by the participant. “Took action at 2 months” refers to risks the participant is still in the process of resolving. “No action to reduce risk” means that the user reported that the risk was correctly identified at baseline but has done nothing to resolve it.
This is information is self-reported by the participant on a telephone call 2 months after beginning to use the Gabby system.