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. 2013 Sep;72(9):300–306.

Table 1.

Number and Percent of WCW Focus Group and BCW Survey Participants, By Sociodemographic Variablesa

BCW (n=39) WCW (n=18) Total (N=57)
n % n % n %
Age n=36 n=17 n=53
20–29 0 0 1 6 1 2
30–39 6 17 3 18 9 17
40–49 7 19 8 47 15 28
50–59 12 33 4 24 16 30
60–69 11 31 1 6 12 23
Gender n=30 n=17 n=47
Male 7 23 4 24 11 23
Female 23 77 13 76 36 77
Ethnicity n=35 n=16 n=51
Filipino 31 89 3 19 34 67
White 0 0 6 38 6 12
Japanese 0 0 3 19 3 6
Chinese 3 9 1 6 4 8
Native Hawaiian 0 0 2 13 2 4
Hispanic 0 0 1 6 1 2
Other 1 3 0 0 1 2
Educational Attainment n=33 n=17 n=50
Elementary 4 12 0 0 4 8
Some high school 6 18 0 0 6 12
High school/GED 8 24 0 0 8 16
Some college/tech 5 15 2 12 7 14
Tech school/2 yr degree 4 12 1 6 5 10
College grad/4 yr degree 4 12 4 24 8 16
Graduate or higher 2 6 10 59 12 24
Body Mass Index (BMI) n=36 n=17 n=53
<18.5 (underweight) 0 0 0 0 0 0
18.5–24.9 (normal weight) 19 53 8 47 27 51
25–29.9 (overweight) 13 36 6 35 19 36
>=30 (obese) 4 11 3 18 7 13
Self-rated Weight Status n=36 n=17 n=53
Underweight 2 6 0 0 2 4
Just right 19 53 4 24 23 43
Need to lose 10–20 pounds 14 39 7 41 21 40
Need to lose 20+ pounds 1 3 6 35 7 13
Self-rated Exercise Level n=30 n=16 n=46
Just right 14 47 1 6 15 33
Need to increase 15 50 15 94 30 65
Too high 1 3 0 0 1 2

Blue-collar worker (BCW); white-collar worker (WCW); number of observations (n);

Contains differential n for each variable as not all questions were answered by respondents.