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. 2013 Oct;103(10):1865–1873. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2013.301313


Estimated Demographic Characteristics and Self-Reported Hepatitis B Vaccination Status Nonproxy Interview Respondents with Hepatitis B Virus Testing Performed Who Reported Receiving ≥ 3 or No Doses of Hepatitis B Vaccine: NHANES 1999–2008

Characteristic Total No. rpt+/serol+ rpt+/serol- rpt-/serol+ rpt-/serol- Weighted % (95% CI)
Total 23 055 3585 3250 1037 15183
Age at interview, y
 14–19 4056 1881 923 326 926 7.6 (7.1, 8.1)
 20–29 3401 686 780 203 1732 17.6 (16.6, 18.5)
 30–39 3194 390 543 119 2142 18.4 (17.6, 19.3)
 40–49 3197 291 417 96 2393 19.6 (18.8, 20.5)
 50–59 2609 193 256 99 2061 15.6 (14.8, 16.4)
 60–69 3008 114 219 95 2580 10.5 (9.8, 11.2)
 ≥ 70 3590 30 112 99 3349 10.7 (10.0, 11.4)
Birth year: born before universal infant vaccination recommendation
 Before 1930 2558 12 57 71 2418 7.4 (6.8, 8.0)
 1930–1939 2695 64 150 74 2407 9.1 (8.5, 9.8)
 1940–1949 2718 158 234 97 2229 12.8 (12.1, 13.6)
 1950–1959 3070 259 340 113 2358 19.0 (18.1, 19.9)
 1960–1969 3223 328 496 99 2300 19.6 (18.6, 20.6)
 1970–1979 3328 468 673 138 2049 17.4 (16.5, 18.4)
 1980–1990 5320 2199 1274 432 1415 14.2 (13.4, 15.1)
Birth year: born after universal infant vaccination recommendation (1991–2005) 143 97 26 13 7 0.5 (0.4, 0.6)
 Male 11053 1474 1543 507 7529 47.4 (46.8, 47.9)
 Female 12 002 2111 1707 530 7654 52.6 (52.1, 53.2)
 Mexican American 5333 735 817 254 3527 7.6 (6.4, 9.0)
 Other Hispanic 1236 218 224 76 718 4.9 (3.7, 6.5)
 White non-Hispanic 11 089 1558 1153 370 8008 72.8 (70.1, 75.4)
 Black non-Hispanic 4679 891 950 286 2552 10.6 (9.1, 12.3)
 Other/multiple race/ethnicity 718 183 106 51 378 4.1 (3.5, 4.9)
Place of birth
 United States 18 385 3092 2570 810 11 913 87.0 (85.2, 88.6)
 Mexico 2829 211 406 122 2090 4.4 (3.8, 5.1)
 Elsewhere 1832 282 274 104 1172 8.6 (7.2, 10.1)
 < HS graduate 8590 1557 1294 467 5272 22.4 (21.3, 23.5)
 HS graduate/GED 5301 611 696 223 3771 25.6 (24.5, 26.8)
 > HS graduate 9142 1417 1258 344 6123 52.0 (50.2, 53.7)
Survey years
 1999–2000 4301 394 443 210 3254 19.0 (17.3, 20.8)
 2001–2002 4865 667 559 223 3416 19.6 (18.0, 21.3)
 2003–2004 4538 773 711 176 2878 20.1 (17.7, 22.8)
 2005–2006 4565 987 763 225 2590 20.5 (18.2, 22.9)
 2007–2008 4786 764 774 203 3045 20.8 (18.7, 23.1)
Self-report of doses received
 ≥ 3 doses 6835 3585 3250 27.8 (26.7, 28.8)
 No doses 16 220 1037 15 183 72.2 (71.2, 73.3)

Note. CI = confidence interval; GED = general equivalency diploma; HS = high school; NHANES = National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey; rpt+ = reported receiving at least 3 doses of hepatitis B vaccine; rpt- = reported receiving no doses of hepatitis B vaccine; serol+ = antibody against hepatitis B surface antigen positive and antibody to hepatitis B core antigen negative; serol- = antibody against hepatitis B surface antigen and antibody to hepatitis B core antigen negative.