Sorting of TACC3-associated acentrosomal microtubules is a general mechanism for spindle assembly and kinetochore movement. (A–E) Live imaging of HeLa cells expressing GFP–tubulin. Red arrows indicate centrosomal asters and green arrows are acentrosomal microtubules. (A and B) Sorting of acentrosomal microtubules into centrosomal asters. (C) Magnified microtubule sorting regions (boxes a–e) as shown in A and B. (D and E) Another two examples of microtubule sorting existed in normal mitosis. (F and G) Assembly and sorting of multiple acentrosomal microtubule seeds when HeLa cells expressing GFP–tubulin were released from 500 ng/mL nocodazole into medium without nocodazole. (H and I) Live imaging of HeLa cells coexpressing mcherry–tubulin and GFP–Hec1. The cells were released from 500 ng/mL nocodazole into 0 (H) or 15 ng/mL (I) nocodazole as indicated. (Scale bars in A, B, H, and I, 10 μm and in C–G, 2 μm.)