Author | N (All) Final ET/PL |
Mean Age (SD or span) |
Prior HT Use (%) |
Menopausal Status/ Menopausal Symptoms/ Years since Menopausea |
Design | Duration | HT | Dose | Test | Results |
Wolf (1999) | (40) 38 21/17 |
68.7 (5.8) |
? | Postmenopausal, 13 Hysterectomy (8 with BSO)/ Unknown / 17 y |
Parallel; 2 groups |
2 wk | Trans E2 |
0.1 mg/d | Word pair recall |
Yaffe (2006) | (417) 376 191/ 185 |
66.7 (5.0) |
? | Postmenopausal/16%/ ≥ 5 y |
Parallel; 2 groups |
24 m | Trans E2 |
0.014 mg/d |
Paragraph Recall, CERAD Word List |
Almeida (2006) | (115) 86 47/39 |
73.7 (3.8) |
38% | Postmenopausal/ 16%/28.7 y |
Parallel; 2 groups |
20 wk | Oral E2 |
2 mg/d | CVLT | ET=PL |
Pefanco (2007) | (57) 45 (32)/(25)a |
75.5 (5.1) |
? | Postmenopausal, 32% had hysterectomy / Unknown |
Parallel; 2 groups |
36 m | Trans E2 |
0.25 mg/d |
Paired Associates Logical Memory |
Resnick (2009) | (886) 752 370/382 |
74.0 (3.8) |
48% | Postmenopausal with prior hysterectomy/ 9% /Unknown |
Parallel; 2 groups |
5.7 y a | CEE | 0.625 mg/d |
Notes: On average women were tested at the initial cognitive assessment 3 years after randomization in the WHI. The average follow-up after that initial assessment was 2.7 years. Abbreviations: BSO= bilateral salpingo-oopherectomy; CERAD = Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer’s Disease; CVLT= California Verbal Learning Test; E2 = Estradiol; ET= Estrogen therapy; HT = Hormone Therapy; PL = Placebo; Trans = transdermal.