Table 4. Pairwise FST-estimates based on the binary AFLP matrix.
A . zaliosus | A . globosus | A . astorquii | A . chancho | A . flaveolus | A . supercilius | |
A . zaliosus | - | 0.141/0.219 | 0.098/0.171 | 0.099/0.170 | 0.092/0.163 | 0.119/0.207 |
A . globosus | 0.223/0.353 | - | 0.105/0.177 | 0.099/0.166 | 0.098/0.160 | 0.112/0.184 |
A . astorquii | 0.134/0.233 | 0.142/0.238 | - | 0.078/0.141 | 0.049/0.092 | 0.064/0.118 |
A . chancho | 0.173/0.293 | 0.148/0.252 | 0.101/0.182 | - | 0.071/0.129 | 0.085/0.152 |
A . flaveolus | 0.154/0.266 | 0.128/0.212 | 0.062/0.114 | 0.105/0.188 | - | 0.036/0.067 |
A . supercilius | 0.188/0.317 | 0.159/0.263 | 0.084/0.153 | 0.132/0.230 | 0.052/0.096 | - |
First value corresponds to FST based on pairwise differences according to Weir & Cockerham [55], second value gives the Ф ST based on standard Jaccard coefficient after distance transformation (d=1-s). All pairwise FST comparisons were significant based on 10,100 permutations following sequential Bonferroni correction. Lower left: comparisons based on all 2297 loci; upper right: neutral estimates based on the reduced AFLP matrix excluding the 49 loci identified by BAYESCAN. Minimum and maximum values in bold.