Figure 7. Dominance of Raf-1 in the prevention of Caspase 3 activation induced by chemotherapeutic drugs. The effects of IL-3, Raf-1 and Akt-1 activation on the prevention of caspase 3 activation mediated by doxorubicin (A–D) or paclitaxel (E–H) were examined. Cells were incubated in the presence of the different concentrations of doxorubicin or paclitaxel for 3 d and then caspase 3 activation was determined by flow cytometic analysis. Cells were incubated with IL-3 (10% WCM) (A and E), 500 nM 4HT (B and F), 100 nM Test (C and G) or 500 nM 4HT + 100 nM Test (D and H). Symbols: solid squares (■) = cytokine dependent FL5.12 cells, solid upward triangles (▲) = non-selected FL/ΔAkt-1:ER*(Myr+) + ΔRaf-1:AR cells, and solid downward triangles (▼) = doxorubicin-selected FL/ΔAkt-1:ER*(Myr+) + ΔRaf-1:AR cells.