Figure 2.
Staggered suppression of metabolic genes during ER stress. (A) The spliced (spl) and unspliced (us) forms of Xbp1 mRNA were detected by RT-PCR of total RNA isolated from the livers of mice treated with vehicle (veh) or 1 mg/kg TM for the indicated times. Each lane shows a separate animal. Image is shown in black-to-white inverted form for greater visual clarity. (B) Expression of the indicated UPR target genes was determined by qRT-PCR from the animals shown in (A), with Btf3 and Ppia used as normalizing controls. Expression here and in subsequent figures is given on a log2 scale relative to the vehicle-treated condition. Here and elsewhere unless noted: *p < 0.05; #p < 0.1 by two-tailed student's t-test. (C–F) Expression of metabolic genes was assessed by qRT-PCR as in (B), and genes were grouped according to the time point at which downregulation (p < 0.1) was first observed. The process in which each gene participates is listed.