FIG. 1.
Characterization of duct-specific deletion of Pdx1 mice. A–D: Immunofluorescent evidence of effective Pdx1 excision at 4 weeks of age in CAIICre;Pdx1Fl/Fl pancreas. PDX1 protein is normally expressed transiently after replication of pancreatic duct cells. The common pancreatic ducts (A and B) and main duct (C and D) of control (C) (A and C) and bigenic CAIICre;Pdx1Fl/Fl (B and D) mice had comparable proliferation seen as Ki67+ (red). (Quantification given in Fig. 4F.) However, bigenic pancreas (B and D) had few PDX1+ (green) duct cells. PDX1+ islets are seen in upper left corner of both C and D. E: Blood glucose values over the first 2 postnatal (P) weeks did not differ between control (C) and bigenic mice (shown as Pdx1Fl/Fl and Pdx1Fl/+). Values from individual littermates are shown.