Duct-specific Pdx1-deficient mice had similar islet and β-cell mass as controls. Islet mass at 4 and 10 weeks (A) and β-cell mass at 4 weeks (B) did not differ between control (□) and CAIICre;Pdx1Fl/Fl (■) male mice (4 weeks: n = 5 control, n = 6 bigenic; 10 weeks: n = 3 both groups). At 4 weeks the relative density of β-cells (C) differed, but because the pancreatic weights (D) were increased in the bigenic (even though they had similar body weights) mice (E), the absolute β-cell mass was not reduced in the bigenic mice. F: At 4 weeks, although there was no difference in proliferation of acinar or duct (CK+) cells between control and bigenic mice, proliferation in insulin+ cells was increased in both bigenic groups (G) compared with controls (H) with Ki67+ (red), PDX1 (green), and nuclei DAPI (blue). Data for individual animals are shown in F. I: Some Ki67+insulin+ (blue) cells were PDX1−. Data are mean ± SEM. *P < 0.05.