A mixed population of PDX1-expressing islets was seen in adult duct-specific Pdx1-deficient mice. A: Islets from same section of CAIICre;Pdx1Fl/Fl pancreas (12 weeks old, blood glucose at 4 weeks: 363 mg/dL, 12 weeks: 120 mg/dL) (top panel) showed variation in intensity of PDX1 (green) and insulin (red) immunostaining in contrast to those of control pancreas (12 weeks old, blood glucose at 4 weeks: 173 mg/dL, 12 weeks: 179 mg/dL) (bottom panel). B: On the basis of PDX1 immunostaining (in graph as blue: homogenous high intensity; green: mixed; red: low to undetectable intensity), bigenic mice had decreased proportion of islets with high, homogenous PDX1 expression and, importantly, the appearance of islets without PDX1 immunostaining. Data are shown for individual animals.