Figure 3.
CD44, CD24, CD166, c-Kit combination identifies CoSCs. (A) Experimental scheme of gradually purifying colonic ISCs. (B) IHC staining shows expression pattern of CD44, CD24, CD166, and c-Kit in colon. The cross section shows the expression of CD44 (white) in Muc2+ (red) cells adjacent to Lgr5-GFPhi (green) cells (arrowheads) and in the conjunction of Lgr5-GFPlo cells (arrows). (C) Sequential FACS plots and gates as indicated. (D) qRT-PCR results show gene expression in the CD44med and CD44hi cells versus CD44lo/− cells (n = 2). (E) Gene expression in CD44hiCD24loCD166lo and CD44hiCD24loCD166hi populations relative to the CD44hiCD24hiCD166med population (E)and further separation with c-Kit (F) (n = 3). Scale bars = 50 μm (B); 10 μm (B, magnification).