CD103+CD11b+ DCs are not required for IL-22 production or resistance to Citrobacter or Salmonella. (A) Groups of 4–6 littermate control (triangles) and huLangerin-DTA (diamonds) mice were given water (open symbols) or 5% DSS (filled symbols) ad libitum for the indicated number of days and monitored for weight loss. Data are presented as the mean ± SEM. (B) Colon length upon sacrifice at day 10. Representative data from 1 of 2 independent experiments is shown. (C) Animals were treated intravenously with PBS (open symbols) or 1 µg flagellin (closed symbols) and euthanized 2 h later for LP mRNA extraction and qPCR analysis. CD11c-DTR mice were treated with 1 µg diphtheria toxin 18 h before flagellin injection. Data are normalized to HPRT and displayed as fold change over PBS-treated mice. (D) Control (triangles) or huLangerin-DTA (diamonds) littermates and IL-23 p19−/− mice (squares) were infected with 2 × 109
C. rodentium and monitored for weight loss. Data are presented as the mean ± SEM with at least 3 mice per group pooled from 2 independent experiments. One animal succumbed due to unrelated causes and was excluded from the analysis. (E) Mice were pretreated with 20 mg streptomycin sulfate 24 h before infection with 5 × 107
Salmonella strain SL1344 by gavage. MLNs were harvested 48 h later and analyzed for CFU. (F and G) Mice were orogastrically infected with 108 AroA−
Salmonella-2W1S. Indicated organs were harvested 10 d later for CFU. Dashed lines represent the limit of detection. (H) Spleens and MLN were pooled from uninfected (Naive) and Salmonella-2W1S infected mice after 10 d and magnetically enriched for 2W1S-specific cells. Flow plots represent the binding of 2W1S-I-Aβ tetramer by CD4 T cells. Numbers represent the total number of tetramer-specific cells. Flow plots in H are representative of three experiments. All symbols represent individual mice pooled from two (C, F, and G) or four (E) independent experiments. Lines in E–G represent the geometric mean. Statistics were calculated using unpaired Student’s t tests (nd, not detected; **, P ≤ 0.01; ***, P ≤ 0.001).