Figure 3.
Genes and genomics regions associated with glaucoma and the related quantitative traits. Variants associated with ocular quantitative traits related to glaucoma and (ellipses) and POAG are presented (rectangle). POAG can be divided into high-tension (HTG) and normal-tension (NTG) subgroups. Of the two genes associated with elevated IOP, one (TMCO1) is also associated with HTG. One gene associated with thin CCT (FNDC3B) is also associated with HTG. Three genomic regions associated with optic nerve parameters (CDKN2BAS, ATOH7 and SIX1/SIX6) are associated with HTG, and one of these, CDKN2BAS, is associated with both HTG and NTG. The CAV1/CAV2 genomic region is associated with HTG but not with any quantitative trait. The 8q22 genomic region is associated with NTG only.