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. 2012 Feb 22;2(1):13–25. doi: 10.5498/wjp.v2.i1.13

Table 2.

Hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis functioning in panic disordered patients

Author Control group Sample Cortisol levels ACTH levels DST Stress test
Woods et al[71], 1987 13 HC 18 drug-free agoraphobic patients Plasma cortisol not increased during PA - - Exposure to phobic situations
Goldstein et al[76], 1987 61 HC; 38 outpatients with MDE 24 outpatients PD ↑ Basal plasma cortisol vs HC; = plasma cortisol vs MDE - = Dex 1 mg
Cameron et al[74],1987 4 HC 8 PD patients = In basal conditions; ↑ during spontaneous PA - - -
Kathol et al[77], 1988 37 HC 65 PD subjects ↑ Urinary cortisol - - -
Uhde et al[75], 1988 12 HC 12 drug-free PD patients = Basal cortisol - - -
Abelson et al[78], 1996 12 HC 20 PD subjects ↑ Overnight plasma cortisol; ↑ amplitude of ultradian secretory episodes If low frequency of PA→ ↑ daytime ACTH levels and ↑ ACTH ultradian amplitude. If high frequency of PA→ shifted ACTH circadian cycles - -
Schreiber et al[30], 1996 10 MDE subjects, 10 HC 13 PD subjects wth agoraphobia ↑ Plasma cortisol versus controls = Levels in PD vs controls and MDE subjects 92% non suppressors (higher than MDE subjects and controls) 69% abnormal Dex-CRH test (more than controls, but lesser than MDE subjects)
Bandelow et al[73], 2000 23 HC 23 PD patients ↑ Urinary and salivary cortisol - - -
Coryell et al[81], 1989 38 HC 82 PD patients - - 25.6% non suppressors Dex 1 mg
Coryell et al[80], 1991 - 72 PD patients - - 36% non suppressors
Erhardt et al[33], 2006 30 HC 30 PD subjects ↑ Basal plasma levels ↑ Basal - 17% hyperresponder to Dex-CRH
Petrowski et al[82], 2010 34 HC 34 PD subjects = Basal salivary levels; abnormally absent cortisol awakening response - - Absent cortisol response to Trier Social Stress Test
Lieberman et al[79], 1983 22 MDE 10 PD ↑ Plasma cortisol - = DST

HC: Healthy controls; DST: Dexamethasone suppression test; PA: Panic attack; MDE: major depressive episode; ACTH: Adrenocorticotropin hormone; PD: Panic disorder; Dex: Dexamethasone; CRH: Corticotropin releasing hormone.

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