Figure 2. Flexible and stable value coding of the same three neurons in the caudate nucleus.
(A) Procedure for testing neurons’ responses to objects with flexible values (same as in Figure 1A). (B) Procedure for testing neurons’ responses to objects with stable values. While the monkey was fixing on a central white dot, 2–6 fractal objects were chosen pseudorandomly from a set of 8 objects and were presented sequentially in the neuron's preferred location (each for 400 ms). The monkey was rewarded 300 ms after the final object disappeared. (C) Responses of three representative neurons recorded in the caudate head, body and tail to high-valued objects (red, 24 trials) and low-valued objects (blue, 24 trials) during the neuronal test period of flexible value procedure. They are shown by spike density functions (SDFs), which are aligned at the onset of object presentation. (D) Responses of the same three neurons shown separately for high (red, 32 trials) and low valued objects (blue, 32 trials) during the neuronal test period of stable value procedure.