Fig. 3.
Ischaemia-induced mitotic responses. (Panels A–B) Coronal section of a rat brain, 4 weeks post-ischaemia, immunolabelled for laminin (A), or GFAP and PH3 (in B). The directly affected area of the niche is indicated by arrowheads. Note the increased occurrence of PH3 + cells specifically within the affected area. (Panel C) Example of a mitotic cell (expressing PH3 in green) that was included in the NSC pool due to the co-expression of GFAP (in red). (Panel D) Example of a mitotic cell (expressing PH3 in green) that was included in the progenitor pool due to the lack of co-expression of GFAP (in red). Please note that for each PH3 + cell we used at least three optical sections (with a 0.5 μm step) in order to allocate it within the NSC or the progenitor pool (see Fig. S2 for details on the cells shown here in panels C, D). (E) Graph showing the density of mitotic neural stem and progenitor cells in sham and ischaemic rats, separately for the SEZ parts that were directly affected by ischaemia (identified as “in lesion”) and those out of the lesion. In addition, the density of mitotic neural stem cells during regeneration of the SEZ after treatment with AraC is depicted in the white bar. Please note that in this study the relatively quiescent NSCs are identified as PH3 +/GFAP + cells and their actively dividing daughter cells (that include transit-amplifying progenitors, neuroblasts and oligodendrocyte progenitor cells and that are collectively referred to as progenitors) are identified as PH3 +/GFAP − cells. [Scale bar in A, B: 500 μm; in C, D 10 μm and the star indicates the position of the nucleus of the PH3 + cell. In (E) volume = 1 mm (length) × 70 μm (section thickness) × 200 μm (width from the ventricular wall) = 0.014 mm3; * = p < 0.05, compared to the respective normal value (black bars) using two-way ANOVA. Error bars depict SEM.].