Figure 5.
Effect of structure-associated mutations on the 10C-mediated LDI. (A) Upper panel shows diagrammatic representation of predicted ISTL1 strengthened by mutations indicated in lower-case letters and highlighted in red. New base pairs formed owing to these mutations are shown as red lines. Each minigene was assigned a name and a number as shown at the top of each structure. In vivo splicing patterns of minigenes in the presence of the indicated ASOs are shown in the bottom panel. Spliced products are the same as those marked in Figure 2B. Control ASO was the same as described in Figure 2. Results were analyzed as described in (26). (B) Upper panel shows diagrammatic representation of the predicted ISTL1 destabilized or restored by mutations indicated in lower-case letters and highlighted in green. Restored base pairs formed due to the mutations are shown as green lines. Other descriptions are same as in panel A.