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. 2013 Jul 22;41(17):e162. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkt628

Table 2.

Command line parameters

Program (version) Parameters Description
ProGraphMSA -i 2 –mldist Iterate distance and guide tree estimation two times
–no_force_align –end_indel_prob -1 No special treatment of terminal gaps
–fasta -o prograph.fasta input.fasta Input/output

ProGraphMSA+TR –repeats –custom_tr_cmd Use TRUST for TR detection
–repeat_indel_rate 0.1 TR unit insertion/deletion rate (per site)
–repeat_indel_ext 0.3 TR units insertion/deletion length coefficient
-i 2 –mldist Iterate distance and guide tree estimation two times
–no_force_align –end_indel_prob -1 No special treatment of terminal gaps
–fasta -o prographTR.fasta input.fasta Input/output

ProGraphMSA+realTR –read_repeats repeats.treks Use true repeat information
–repeat_indel_rate 0.1 TR unit insertion/deletion rate (per site)
–repeat_indel_ext 0.3 TR units insertion/deletion length coefficient
-i 2 –mldist Iterate distance and guide tree estimation two times
–no_force_align –end_indel_prob -1 No special treatment of terminal gaps
–fasta -o prographRealTR.fasta input.fasta Input/output

MAFFT 6.843-with-ext –maxiterate 1000 –globalpair Iterative refinement (suggested for best results)
–quiet input.fasta > mafft.fasta Input/output

MUSCLE 3.8.31 -quiet -in input.fasta -out muscle.fasta Input/output

All versions of ProGraphMSA have common parameters to iterate the estimation of distances and guide tree and to disable the special treatment of terminal gaps, which are enabled by default to deal with real sequence data. Further, the TR versions use the same TR unit indel distributions but use different sources for TR information. ProGraph+TR uses a TR-MSA produced by TRUST, whereas ProGraph+realTR uses the true TR unit information provided by the simulation algorithm. MUSCLE was executed with the default parameters and MAFFT with the parameters that were suggested in the command line help for best results.