Fig. 1.
Effect of blood on detection of MAP by PMMS-phage assay.
Graph showing plaque numbers recovered after performing the PMMS and phage assay on: Sample 1; MAP in 1 ml Media Plus. Sample 2; MAP in 1 ml of horse blood. Sample 3; MAP in 1 ml of sheep blood. Sample 4; MAP in 1 ml of sheep blood diluted 1:10 Media Plus. Sample 5; MAP in 1 ml of sheep blood diluted 1:50 Media Plus. A One-way ANOVA, followed by the Dunnett's test was used to analyse significance (*P < 0.001) in the reduction of plaque number when compared to Sample 1. Error bars represent the standard deviations of the means of number of plaques recovered from the phage assay performed in triplicate.