FIG. 6.
Effect of doxy on clonogenic radiation survival curves of MnSODtet/tet, MnSODtet/+ and MnSOD+/+ mouse bone marrow stromal cell lines. MnSOD+/+ (panel A), MnSODtet/+ and MnSODtet/tet (panel B) cells were grown in the presence or absence of 0.25 μg/ml doxy for 24 h prior to irradiation and plating. Doxy was added to the doxy cultures every 48 h until the plates were stained on day 8. The Do (panel C) and ñ (panel D) for the curves are shown. MnSODtet/tet cells were radiosensitive in no doxy compared to MnSOD+/+ cells (*P =0.0175). MnSODtet/tet cells in doxy became radioresistant relative to the same cells in no doxy (◆P =0.0060). MnSODtet/tet cells were comparable in radioresistance to MnSOD+/+ cells when both were in doxy (■P = 0.4414).