Initialize λ0 = 0.
Compute the eigen-decomposition of Sb − λtSw as (Sb − λtSw) wi = τiwi, where wi (i = 1,2,…D) is the eigenvector of Sb − λtSw.
for i ∈ {1,2,…,D} and initialize γ0 = λt and
be a zero vector, iteratively solving the sub-problem of Eq. (5) until convergence:
Sort fi − γkgi and set
corresponding to the d largest value of fi − γkgi,
Update γi+1 = bkfT/bkgT.
If bk = bk−1, output b* = bk and γ* = b*fT/b*gT.
Form Wt by choosing the d eigenvectors of wi, with
and Update λt+1 = γ*.
Iterate the steps (2–4) until |λt+1 − λt| < ε. Output W*.